Is Satan Hanging Out in Your Guestroom?

Is Satan hanging out in your guestroom?

I imagine familiar with movie genres like “The Exorcist.”  The thought of Satan being in control, Satan on-the-loose in a person or family is frightening.  

What if I told you that there is a relatively simple means to “invite” the devil to participate with you in your family and daily life?  

Note this passage of scripture: Be angry and do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger, and don’t give the devil an opportunity.” 

The evil one is right at home with resentment and vengeful thoughts!  The Greek word translated “opportunity” or “foothold” is ‘topos;’ from which we derive our word ‘topography’- the work of map-making.  

We are discussing an actual “place.”  Your guestroom, perhaps? Unresolved anger is an invitation for the devil to move in.  

Anger itself is not the problem.  We are made in the image of God; and anger is a quality of our God’s character.  Anger is the defense emotion: it prompts us to defend safety, personal dignity or dearly held beliefs.  This passion empowers us to guard family and the defenseless. No, anger itself is not the problem.

Outrage wreaks havoc when it launches from a selfish heart or when it doesn’t go anywhere at all – it simply remains constant.  We’re to make quick work of our anger: defend, drop or forgive. Therein lies the problem. Humans have an inclination to hold on to the offense and rehearse it … again … and again … and some more.  

A flash of anger becomes the steady smolder of resentment.  Offended spirits grow bitter and wounded souls entertain thoughts of getting even.  Never revenge for us, mind you, we are good people! But we grip tightly deep, dark emotions when a loved one is insulted or harmed.

While we’ve maintained our anger past its expiration date, Satan has unpacked his bags and made himself comfy in the guest room.  He has no intention to leave, either. He’ll join family gatherings and suggest, subtly, his devilish wisdom (James 3:13-16) which leads to disorder and every evil practice.  This stuff is contagious! A root of bitterness defiles many. (Hebrews 12:15) Church splits and family problems are often sourced right here.

The evil one actively discourages forgiveness. You’ve, no doubt, heard him whisper, “After what she did? She doesn’t deserve to be forgiven!” “He’ll just do it again.”  “Your honor and family honor are at stake here. Why would you let this go?” Heed this advice and the devil now has your garage code.

Paul reminded believers in Corinth refusing to forgive is a snare devised by the devil.  This bait is tasty, but the end result is devastating. (2 Corinthians 2:9-11) Never forget Jesus’ admonition, “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you.  But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14, 15)

What seems like a matter of honor, or of score settling becomes a barrier between you and your Savior!  Our spiritual enemy has no power to harm us, Jesus de-clawed him. Yet he is expert at planning schemes and setting traps.  (Ephesians 6:10-12) To be painfully honest, we have a natural inclination that entices us toward the snares of the evil one.

Has the Holy Spirit been speaking to your heart as you’ve been reading?  Am I describing something real and active in your life? Does it frighten you?  Good. Hopefully it motivates you to action!

“Submit, therefore, to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)  You can evict Satan!  Yes, you can! You can revoke the evil one’s invitation.  You can change your locks and combinations.

It begins not by resisting, but by submitting – OBEY God.  Forgive. Immediately. Forgiveness is an act of will and a process; you won’t feel like forgiving for a while.  Don’t be concerned with how you feel; focus on imitating Jesus and honoring God’s word.

Learn how to deal with your own anger in a way that won’t harm you or others; but will defend your values and those you love.  It’s possible. It takes practice.

Invite the Holy Spirit, to help you change the way you handle offenses and offenders so that your life and character are pleasing to our Heavenly Father.  Make this a regular request. The Spirit will be happy to help, that’s precisely the reason that he lives in you.

But be aware, if you leave your guestroom empty, often times Satan will move back in.  We must be proactive as our Lord directs – to love and do good in response to our offenders.  “But I say to you who listen: Love your enemies, do what is good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” – Jesus (Luke 6:27, 28) Returning good for evil is not easy, but it is possible with the help of the Spirit of God. 

If you are having second thoughts about forgiveness, consider the possible source.  Sure, he’s been comfortable in your guest room; but he wore out his welcome a long time ago!  You’ve had enough of the decay and disorder that he brings. “Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.”


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