They are in Trouble – Don’t be Like Them
Spoiler Alert – no, I’m not about to tell you the key scene of a movie; rather, I know this topic can stir up a lot of emotions, many negative. I have a choice – go along to get along or present God’s truth to people, even if it disturbs them. I think you know me.
The scene: Moses’ pep-talk to the God’s people as they prepare to enter the Promised Land. Our Lord explains some of his reasoning for removing the inhabitants of Canaan and replacing them with the people he has redeemed. Simply put, those about to be evicted (and worse) had made themselves repulsive to their Creator. Moses told Israel, “They are in trouble – don’t be like them!”
God’s character and preferences never change; it would be a smart step to investigate what disturbed him so much, wouldn’t it? A good place to start is Deuteronomy 18:9-14. The word translated “detestable” or “abomination” means “that which is offensive to the nostrils.” I think you get the picture.
What are these things that stink? Sacrificing children and occult practices. The Lord lays out the whole list: practicing and seeking fortune telling, witchcraft and its practice of casting spells, seances and consulting the dead.
Can we be honest? The act of abortion sacrifices a child for the sake of convenience (or at least to avoid some form of “hardship”). This type of sacrifice disturbs the One who created those children and it’s not something he easily overlooks. (Thank God for the cross of Christ – anyone can find forgiveness there.) From this passage, we can see that our Lord judges nations for this evil. This is no small matter!
Now we come to the stuff of literary fame, movies, and television: There is great entertainment value in sorcery and its companions. It’s intriguing and just plain fun to get insight into the future. Why would God be such a spoil sport? Doesn’t he have better things to do than crack down on our fun?
We like Harry and his gang, Samantha, and Jeannie, don’t we? Movies about the “other side” are thrilling. Vampires and zombies (they fit in here – they’re part of the realm of the dead) are fascinating. Likewise, is the bait on a trap.
Any intelligent hunter would never use something disgusting for bait – that is counterproductive!
What do you mean, a trap? Just that. A snare, a device to capture or kill unwitting prey. Whether we like it or not, we are the hunted. The evil one, Satan, is continually on the prowl to separate us from God. He uses tasty things like curiosity, thrills, the desire for power, and other motivations to lure us away from our Heavenly Father.
More and more young people are being drawn by the allure of the occult. Our society has turned its back on God, but longs for spiritual fulfillment. The dark spiritual side beckons. Including the faux benign claim of White Witchcraft.
Have you noticed how “dark” Halloween decorations have become? Look around your neighborhood. Observe advertisements.
I’m not telling you to stop trick-or-treat, although I will warn you to beware of fentanyl – it’s becoming more and more available in pretty colors and fake shapes.
I am saying, what had been a socially redeemed celebration (in the place of the Druid night of the dead) has taken a hard turn away from what is socially redeemable and is sliding down a slope towards the things that God says stink to high heaven. Within what was once merely a fun time for neighborhood kids and their community has arisen a dark spiritual aspect. Be awake and beware.
The allure of the occult has been part of human existence for most of our history. I am grateful for the clarity that Ben Alexander brought to light. Ben is with Jesus now, after 95 years of life, much of it as a spiritist medium in England. [You can still see him on Youtube; search his name and Exposing Satan’s Power.] Ben was emphatic and clear about the satanic core of the occult. He sourced it all in the word of God – it’s eye-opening the number of times the subject arises in the Bible. Out from Darkness (Out of print, but I found many on eBay) is his story … and it has appendices that list those Bible references.
Occult practice can be found among Christians: the city is Ephesus and Acts 19 records the incident of a botched exorcism. But before we get there, let me mention that in this city, it is noted that God did extraordinary miracles – that’s the only time in the Bible this description is used. Ephesus happened to be a center for occult practices.
Miracles were abundant around Paul, so some Jewish exorcists decided to try a new incantation, “We command you to leave by Jesus Christ, whom Paul preaches.” It worked for the apostle, why not? Well, I’ll tell you why not – the demon wasn’t impressed!
He said, “I know Jesus, and I’m familiar with Paul, but who are you?” And beat them to a pulp – all seven of them. Seven well known exorcists running naked, bleeding, and screaming through the city made the evening news. When the account of the fumbled deliverance went public, something intriguing occurred.
Christians began to do some introspection. They began to inventory things in their lives that would not be pleasing to God. Someone mentioned, “We ought to burn this.” Get this – they burned sorcery books (scrolls). Christians had been hanging on to them, just in case. Book after book was tossed into the bonfire. They did a quick tally – 50,000 days wages worth. Or $3,000,000. No garage sale – because that stuff offends our Great God.
The final line of this account is memorable. “In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.” (Acts 19:20)
Christians repenting, destroying their occult paraphernalia, and turning solely to their Lord and Savior changed more lives than just theirs and their families. It impacted the entire region.
Don’t dismiss this as ranting and raving. It matters.
Pause and ponder and pray, please.